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Are You A Fanatic?
These are signs if you are a DBZ Fanatic. And i fall into most of these reasons.
1. You dye your hair black and put 20 bottles of hair gell in your hair, put on some blue spandex and call your self Vegeta.
2. You continue to chant "Kamehameha"
3. You die your hair purple and buy a plastic sword
4. When you walk around trying to immitate Vegeta's voice
5. When you try to chop somebody in half with a pencil during class
6. You try to build a gravity machine
7. You try to go super saiya-jin after failing a test
8. You paint a soccerball gold and draw stars on them and try to summon Shenon
9. When you highlight your hair and call your self a super saiya-jin
10. When you name your children Trunks and Goten.
11. When you get the crape beatin out of because you tried to do a Final Phase Blast
12. When you try to fly but instead you end up on the floor of your Family Room
13. You own a DBZ site
14. When you try to fuse with your freind
15. When your signing the theme song to DBZ ( train a dinosaur to ride a ball )
16. When you say "On the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!!"
17. You still try to learn how to fly
18. You call your girlfreind Videl, Bulma or Chi-Chi
19. You say "Janemba, Janemba!!" over and over again
20. Your child is kidnapped repeaply, but it was really you with your face painted green and dressed as Lord Slug's henchmen
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