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![]() ![]() Yellow indicates a person.
Green indicates a weapon or a robot.
Blue indicates a vehicle.
Purple indicates an item, armor, or mech suit.
Grey indicates a concept, place, or company.
Passenger Plane (Destination: Papaya Island)
This plane flies people to and from Papaya Island. It has three propellers, and three wheels (one mounted on the bottom of a back fin). The plane has the standard two wings, with one fin standing vertical in the back.
Pilaf's Flying Base
Pliaf's flying base is a huge plane. It has numerous guns mounted all over, and has several very large rooms. It has two main wings, and a large tail in the back, upon which two jet boosters are mounted.
Pilaf's Plane
Pilaf has a very small airplane. It has two wings, and three wheels, along with two fins the back, on top of which is mounted another "wing." It has only one propeller, but it has two mounted machine guns, and can seat three.
Pilaf's Robotic Suits
Pilaf has three robotic suits, which operate like battle jackets. Pilaf's suit is the smallest, the medium-sized of his three suits belongs to Shu (one of his assistants), and the largest of the suits belongs to Mai (another assistant). In these suits, one sits in a chair inside the suit, and from there controls the rest of the armor.
Pirate's Diving Boat
The Pirate's diving boat has three fins in the back (one vertical, two horizontal). It has two coolant fans, two headlights, and can seat three. On the front of the diving boat is a skull and crossboans in black, and on the side, it bears the number 19. To prevent the passengers and pilot form getting soaked when it submerges, they are encased in a bubble-dome.
Pirate Robot
This robot is a rather large agent. For one arm, it has a machine gun, and in the other arm it can hold weapons. It's teeth are extremely sharp, and it has a long tail.
Police Computer
The police computer can identify people. Once a person is identified, it displays a picture, the person's name, address, and additional information.
Police Scooter
The police scooter is a variety of air bike. It seats only one on a round, stool like seat with no back, has one headlight, two side mirrors, and motorcycle-like controls.
Potara Earings
The potara earings are possessed by the Kaio-shin's. When two people wear a pair of these earings (each person puts an earing on one ear), the two will fuse into a super-powerful combination of each other.
Powered Gun
This gun is a pistol with two barrels, allowing it to shoot two bullets at once.
Punch Machine
The punching machine is used in the Tenkaichi Budoukai to determine the qualifying fighters. The harder one hits the punch machine, the great their score and the better their chance of qualifying.
PP Candy
The PP candy is a special treat that Bulma gives Oolong. After one eats this candy, they will experience severe stomach cramps and diarrhea whenever someone says "Pee Pee" within their earshot.
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