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![]() ![]() Yellow indicates a person.
Green indicates a weapon or a robot.
Blue indicates a vehicle.
Purple indicates an item, armor, or mech suit.
Grey indicates a concept, place, or company.
Saibaman (Cultivar)
The saibaman is a little demon-like fighter. On each limb it has three digits. The saibamen have the ability to self-destruct if necessary, and their power level is 1200.
Saibaman Set
The Saibaman set is a little jar, containing several seeds. Almost as soon as they are planted, these saibamen grow into dangerous fighting demons.
Mr. Satan's Car
Mr. Satan's car is a stretch limo. It has four windows on each side, two fins in the back, and a model of an eagle on the hood. IT also has an antenna extruding from the roof.
Satan City Car
One of the cars that drives through Satan city, this car is a roadster. It has two aerodynamic fins in the back, along with engine pipes rising from the hoold. It is a two-door vehicle, and bears the number 69 on it's roof and doors.
The scouter is a device worn on one's ear. It has a glass projection piece which displays various information such as speed, distance, time, or fighting power (the latter being the chief use). The scouters also work as speakers.
Scouter Case
Simply put, the scouter case is a carrying case for scouters. It is shaped like a suitcase, and has padding on the inside, so as to keep the scouters in good condition.
Sealable Ball
Majin Buu is encased in a sealable ball by Bibidi (Babidi's father). The ball is the only thing that can contain Majin Buu, and is powered by magic.
Seargent Metallic
Seargent Metallic is a Red Ribbon robot who tries to kill Goku, but is easily bested. He is a tremendous fellow, and can shoot his arms off as rockets if need be.
Senzu Seed
The senzu seeds are little bean-like seeds which one eats. Eating a single senzu seed is equivalent to eating ten days worth of food, giving it has the power to rejuvenate someone from the brink of death to full health instantly.
The shot gun is a totally standard shotgun. It has a sholder rest, and a single barrel.
The shuriken are small Japanese throwing knife-spears. They are about a figher-length long, and are thrown with great speed (and presumeably great accuracy). Lunch (after sneezing) has been known to use these.
Space Suit
Developed by the Capsule Corporation, the space suit allows one to breath in space, and the boots can magnetize, to allow one to walk on the outside of a spaceship. Although the space suit is airtight, it does not prevent one from using ki blasts.
Shu's Robot
Shu's robot is a mech suit. It has a blaster on one arm, andon the other, a powerful claw. It has four legs, and on top it bears an antenna.
Soul Cleanser
The Soul Cleanser machine exists in the limbo-world of King Yema. The shouls file in, and are thoroughly scrubbed of all their evil, while the evil is emptied into a container that is regularly emptied and constantly monitored by a janitor.
Owned by Dabura, the spear is a rather innefective weapon. Dabura throws it through Fat Buu in an attempt to kill him, but it fails miserably.
Super God Water (Choushinsui)
The Super God Water is a dangerous drink. If you are not strong enough to keep it from killing you after you drink it, you will die. However, if you are strong enough, it will make you extremely strong.
Super Holy Water (Chouseisui)
The Super Holy Water has the power to cleanse people of evil (possession, in particular). If someone possessed is splashed with Super Holy Water, they will return to their normal self.
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